Krapsody's Nottie of the Week™ #2!

Back by popular demand, a second installment of Krapsody's Nottie of the Week™!

For your viewing pleasure, our newest member. Lou Zar, a 24 year-old garbage man from Shitsville, USA. Drop me an email to let me know if you'd like to meet this charmer.

Well, by the looks of Lou's profile, he seems rather confused as to how to submit a good picture and properly lie about himself in order to get a date. He probably doesn't know whether to scratch his watch or wind his ass on a regular basis. Maybe someone will appreciate his sense of humor.

Lou if you are reading this, you are nothing more than the words used to dismiss you. Do yourself and everyone else a favor: either pull the glove over your entire head until you suffocate, or fasten a boulder to your clubfoot and go parachuting off the steep side of Mount Everest. I hope that in the future, you will kindly submit more appropriate photos before assaulting unsuspecting readers of this blog with your visual atrocities.

Tune in next week for the next maladjusted, mattress-soiling dreg of the Internet.


Gorilla Bananas said...

There's a hooker at the mustang ranch who would do him AND enjoy it. No question at all. I saw her being interviewed and she just loves all varieties of cock.

Daddy Papersurfer said...

I want to know what happened to the Albino five teated cow .....

Ms Scarlet said...

Ahhhh... but he does like musicals...

Anonymous said...

What a catch. He'll make some lucky lady very contented.

One Time said...

I dig the rooster effect the glove gives him!

Angry_Clown said...

I'd be his friend and root his misses, I'm cool like that!

Static said...

@Gorilla Bananas - Let me guess. You were a client of the Albino five teated cow and you'd like to watch Lou and Sarah Palin (the Albino five teated cow) go at it... again.

@Daddy Papersurfer - The Albino five teated cow is employed by the Mustang Ranch. And is officially known as the Albino VPILF, since Lou mangled her with his enormous skunk huffing nostrils.

@scarlet-blue - Yes. Lou Zar likes...musicals *shudders*. And he also likes: collecting plastic spoons & used syringes, duct tape origami, having relations with random homeless persons, playing two recorders simultaneously with both nostrils, extreme ironing, and he's also into huffing skunks. Shiiiiit, this guys even weirder than me!

@Jeffman - I gather you might be interested?

@Don - LOL YEAH! Smash your pubic bone on his bat.. err... nevermind.

@One Time - Foghorn Leghorn never looked more handsome to chickens before.

@Damian - I hope you like chickens.

Anonymous said...

Ewwwwwwww! Btw. How in the heck did you get your "reaction section" to work? I activated mine, but it won't go.*sniffle*.

Kelly said...

Speaking of chickens....

I was at a bachelor party, years ago, where this stripper put hard boiled eggs up her coochie. Each of us had mugs of beer at the time. Anyway, after she had pushed about a half dozen eggs up there in her rooty-toot-toot hole, she walked over the sofas we were sitting on, giggled a little and dropped a hard boiled egg into each one of our beer mugs. Reminded me of a chicken. We were all so drunk and fucked up, we drank our beers, not caring what else she had put up her toot hole, previously.

Sully Sullivan said...

Nice this is a pretty clever idea I wish I had thought of it.

And yes...I would do him.

Static said...

@Pentad - I don't know. I just selected the feature and it works I guess. But there are other blogger features I've tried to use that don't work. Maybe some things only work in Blogger Draft and others only work in regular Blogger blogs?
Blogger bloggety blogging blogged bloggy Blogs blog!

@Kelly - You always have such colorful stories. Why Chicken Lady sounds just delightful. I'm guessing she had an entire football team, a chicken farm and Colonel Sanders up there all at the same time. The chickens were laying eggs, the Colonel was boiling them up and the football team was passing them down the chute into your beers. How's THAT for a story?

@Sully - Thanks. I'll sell the idea to you. $5.

Y'know, it's funny, but I knew he was your type.

Anonymous said...

That guy would be a catch on craigs list. Condom headbands get lots of play over there.

Static said...

@Sogeshirts - I'm sure Lou Zar has tried plenty of ads seeking dates on Craigslist. Krapsody is but a final resort for the total Lou Zar.

@Eve - You want some kink, do ya? Hold on a sec *puts rubber glove over head

Is that kinky enough?

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