Showing posts with label funny pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny pictures. Show all posts

The Right to Arm Bears

Frankly, I think this idea never properly caught on.

Black Friday Surprise

'Murican Beauty

9 Students to Save the World: No it's Not a Movie

Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:29 pm
Updated: Sun Jun 2, 2013 2:12 pm

Bovine Colons, Earth (Krapsody) - An article published in Technology News at The Engineer online claimed:

Nine students from the Tech-Israel Institute of Technology have developed a model spacecraft for deflecting objects falling from space. The model has been created in response to the asteroid Apophis which scientists believe will collide with Earth in 2036, and was presented at a competition of NASA and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. [Read Full Story]

Happy Easter or something like that

happy easter

They say if you look into it's eyes long enough you can see hell.

Overly Attached Jesus

My ex is a bit psycho. They just can't understand why I don't like overprotective and clingy.

overly attached jesus
based on Overly Attached Girlfriend @ Know Your Meme


p.s. it's satire. Want to do the world a service? Be tolerant, even of those that are intolerant of you and/or your beliefs. #ToleranceDay

Raid Kills Pests On Contact

Endorsed by Lt. John Pikes and Megyn Kellys everywhere.

Herman Cain's Revised 999 Plan

herman cain 999 plan

I Can't Get No

Sometimes you can't....
Get Satisfaction FAIL (click pic to enlarge)

Want more background on this post? Click Here

Don't Masturbate To This

Michele Bachmann crazy

Krapsody v. Casey Anthony

killing and partying it up: $$ lying and covering it up: $$$ getting away with murder: PRICELESS!


Caption This Clown

you're a clown
"The morning after his nephew's party, Uncle Dale stumbled into the bathroom,
looked in the mirror, and discovered he was the victim of a drunk drawing incident."

I anxiously await your witty captions and retorts in the comments section.

In Honor of National Vegetarian Week


Happy Valentine's Day (Reprise)

be my valentine"Good morning to you, valentine
Curl your locks as I do mine--
Two before and three behind.
Good morning to you, valentine."

- children of Rome regarding
the celebration of Lupercalia

Here's an observational article that will likely curl your hair, or your toes, and/or both. I wanted to take a moment to wish all of you and yours a Happy Valentine's Day. It's generally a day all men forget about until the last minute. Much like birthdays, anniversaries, and the annual changing of our shorts.

Hanukkah Ham

Hanukkah Ham courtesy of Walmart

Dear Walmart,

Thank you for this bountiful gift. But, oy vey!
It takes a lot of chutzpah to be such a schmuck.

Mazel tov,

The Jews

When Sailing The Sea Of Memes, Beware of Shark-Cat

Da dum. Da dum. Da dum dum dum dum dum dum dum! Oh noes, cat-shark..shark-cat!! iz gunna git meeee!!1

Don't Masturbate To This

Christine O'Donnell Evile

Doomsday Alert!

Nostradamus lesser known career
Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:17 pm ET

Stuffed in a trunk (Krapsody) - Hey everybody, it's 10/10/10!!! OMG!!!!! What DOES it mean?!
Maybe this. Or maybe this.

Pfft. OK. Or maybe . . . I predict..nay, I, I BELIEVE (yes that's it) that there's a 10 in 10 chance SOMETHING will happen. There's also a 10 in 10 chance NOTHING will happen! OMG what are the,, WHATEVER??!!

15 Unsurprising and Insignificant Facts About The Internet


A pretentious graph.

Ed: Check out this infographic on crime rates
Stan: That's a pie chart
Continuing with infographics week, er..infographics month, at Krapsody; there are plenty of absurd things to talk about thanks to the internet. And I'm quite sure that's because nearly EVERYONE on the internet is stupid, or crazy, or both. This is why the internet is not only a great place to find fodder to blog about, but it's also a great place to visit. . .mostly. Humor, it seems, is plentiful.

You could say that amusement on the web is so abundant, that you would be hard pressed not to find it. And if you have access to it, then you'll know exactly what I'm referring to (see pie chart below).

Sites such as eBay and Craigslist have become popular places to purchase humor. However, in both cases you must be weary. eBay and Craigslist are known for people misrepresenting the humor they have for sale. They'll over-exaggerate the value of their humor, and when your package arrives in the mail and you take your brand spanking new humor out of the box, you find it simply isn't funny at all.

Then you'll need to navigate the red tape of trying to get a refund from the seller, who now has lost their sense of humor altogether. And there's nothing funny about that. Since I don't offer refunds, Krapsody is no exception to the rule. So buyer beware.

Humor aside, the demand for a way to analyze information, such as internet statistics, have been so great people were practically praying for some miracle they could have a web-styled pop-up book, a way for that mind-blowing info to be explained quickly and simply. Consequently, we have the creation of the infographic.

Facts About The Internet made by infographic Douchebags

Okay, the need for a lame comic strip to explain something as easy as someone using Google to search for
"if a horny cow escapes from a farm, how long will it take before it humps mel gibson?"
is still pretty funny. Um, yeah..

In spite of the existence of pictographic displays for simpletons, we've entered an era where no one has an attention span longer than that of a gnat, so there's a newfound need for an infographic that is simpler, even better than it's predecessor.

Presenting the internet infographical infographic, or the i3 (shortened to make it easier to grasp and convey.) note: I think the following super infographic confirms the distinct possibility that it's all of the above that is responsible for the decline of civilization as we know it...but it could just simply be #1 or #8 on the previous infographic list. You're guess is as good as mine. And assuming that any readers following thus far probably lack the ability to understand fuckwittitude, then it goes without saying that we will probably never know., 21..21 Strange Ways People Get High

Guess what kiddies? It's Infographics Week at! *Because we all know how important it is for illiterates to be able to read and interpret take a good guess at visual representations of information! *this is just my lame attempt to flood the internets, and your minds, with useless information..and also because I am too busy lazy to write any articles right now. Plus, I've been offered a cool advertising deal I couldn't refuse (a years supply of French ticklers and an all expenses paid trip to Butt Plug Mardi Gras (aka CPAC 2011) and THAT'S a "hole" lotta fun, folks!) I just love infographics!!

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