How to Get Revenge On Construction Workers

Ladies! Tired of getting squawked at when you walk by a construction site? Well now you can get your revenge...

Warning: Possibly NSFW

Chick Gets Revenge On Construction Workers - Watch more free videos

1 part frustration
1 part attitude
1 part pre-op transexual



GetSmartGal said...

Good times!! They handled that too well to be real construction workers though. Where was the angry mob chasing the poor transexual down the street? Well it wasn't here in the states maybe that's why-a little more prgressive those Brits are!

Static said...

Who knows, maybe they liked it?

Chelle Blögger said...


That was great! Thanks for finding this filth for us. :)

Static said...

Chelle - Soitenly! My pleasure.

I eagerly poke the beehives and pass the swarms on to you my readers.


Anonymous said...

just floppin by!

Anonymous said...

It's nice video,This chick is tired of getting squawked at when she walks by the construction site so she gets revenge.
Link Building

Static said...

["satheesh said...

It's nice video,This chick is tired of getting squawked at when she walks by the construction site so she gets revenge.
Link Building"]

Um, yeah, you think so?

I have to say, reading your post is less interesting than watching paint dry. If wit was spit, your mouth would be drier than a shallow well in an African heat wave. You don't appear to be worth the contents of a slop bucket in an enema clinic. I bet you thought it was just coincidence that your parents had the same surnames before they married, doncha?

You know, I really don't mind people making blatantly obvious comments... but when they SPAM their fucking links on top of it with a fake blogger profile, just to get a bit of traffic bounced to their page from mine, which creates an endless chain of backlinks that go fucking nowhere, and just drive shitty SPAM targeted traffic back to me - THAT pisses me off...

Now shove off satheesh/Gomez whaddeva the hell your name is!

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