The Days of Borsch and Vodka

Perestroika big destroyer! Пожалуйста?!

Remember this? It's so naughty, it's Cosmonauty.

Listening to:
The Beatles "Back In The USSR"


Gorilla Bananas said...

Gorby wasn't a true believer in the USSR. Khrushchev was the the real trash-talking, bullet-headed Comrade Secretary guy. He and Lyndon Johnson should have had a wrestling match.

Static said...

@ Banana God - Comparisons can be drawn between Gorby and Obama. Gorbachev was delusional...and so is Obama. The two of them should have a nude wrestling match in Jell-o. The loser can put up their own funds to help bail out the world. With an estimated net worth of 3.1 billion dollars before the market crash in the USSR, Gorby could afford it.

Question is, if Obama is America’s Gorby then who will be America’s Putin? Lyndon Johnson can go suck an egg in hell...just for being a politician. I intensely dislike all politicians. They are all full of shit.

Vodka and Ground Beef said...

Russians are sexy.

Gorilla Bananas said...

Obama is trying to be another Lincoln but can't do it. He doesn't have a beard and there are no white men to free, apart from the ones in prison.

America needs a woman president, preferably a long-legged lesbian who could seduce Maria Sharapova and make Russia an ally. Ms Vodka and Ground Beef could be the National Security Adviser.

Static said...

@ Gorilla B: That is true. I would like a video of that. Ms. Vodka and Ground Beef should direct that. Any girl who drinks like a fish AND carries meat (such as a slab of pork) in her purse, has got to be a good porn film director. But her soul mates are Taco Bell and TiVo...regrettably, I don't think she'd make a good security adviser.

Kelly said...

Wow, Zlad was cool in that video you linked to. Finally, music that the everyone can enjoy.

Gorby rose up from the grave the other night to pay me a visit and while we talked about the good ol' days, while sharing a bottle of Vodka, I asked him about that fucked up birthmark or whatever that was on his freakin' head because I couldn't see it anymore.

He calmly replied, "Oh that. The maggots ate it off while I was taking my dirt nap."

We laughed for a bit at that remark before I complimented him on how well he spoke English. Then he got up abruptly and said he had to go home. When we shook hands, saying our farewells, I noticed his fingers were a little bony but I didn't want to say anything to hurt his feelings.

All in all, it was a perfect evening.

CherylT said...

Kiss my Glasnot

Static said...

@ CherylT: Niiiice!!! my Demokratizatsiya!

Static said...

@ Kelly: Are you implying that it was a perfect evening because Gorby was dead?

Kelly said...

Well, being dead did seem to improve his general personality and spunky attitude. Plus, the vodka he brought to the party was pretty damn fine, too.

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