Goldman Sachs Joins Occupy Wall Street

In this hilarious parody Goldman Sachs CEO and Chairman Lloyd Blankfein joins the Occupy Wall Street movement and surprisingly he doesn't get pepper sprayed.

Some highlights:

* 0:37 Sifting through his wallet, not-Blankenfein exclaims, "I plan to stay down here for as long as I can with what I have on me. Let's see, that's two hundred...three hundred...four hundred thousand dollars. That should last, what? About a week?"

* 1:12 "I've done a lot of terrible things, but I've never hunted a homeless man for sport. Can Richard Branson say that?"

* 1:41 "Goldman Sachs is not Satan, but we do manage the majority of his offshore assets."

Credit: Rusty Ward (LINK)


BlackLOG said...

I've done a lot of terrible things, but I've never hunted a homeless man for sport.
You say that like it is a bad thing....It provides good exercise for the homeless, some of them lead quite dull lives and if done in winter helps keep them warm....

Static said...

@ BlackLOG - Two things: first it was not-Blankfein who said that, not me. And second, I couldn't agree with you MORE! As a matter of fact, I'm going to chase some homeless persons around today with a chainsaw just to get their blood flowing! And I mean that literally in both cases! a) I will chase them and get their hearts pumping with fear and physical exertion, and b) When I catch them I will turn them into dog meat for your next safari trip!

p.s. for the intellectually and humor challenged: I'm kidding.

Steve Bailey said...

haha! "I think it has something to do with me quitting smoking" Love it and see ya in hell buddy!!!!

Static said...

@ Steve: not if I see you there first. 8D *starts up chainsaw*

Kelly said...

Ever since I joined The Hunt Down a Homeless Person Club, I've lost ten pounds. Luckily, Ben Benarke had also joined the club and really offered me the encouragement I needed.

That was a swell video, Static. And that Goldman Sachs dude really has a heart of gold. I hope the OWS people, you know, the little people, really appreciate his efforts and the efforts of all the 1% wealthy elite that want to give a hand(job) for the measly 99% of the rest of us.

Static said...

@7masterheathen Ben Bernanke is offering moderately expensive handjobs under the table. He's donating 1% of his earnings to help balance the budget. But I'm guessing you already knew that.

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