Rarely are things so ridiculously funny that I entitle a blog article with an internet euphemism..okay, not entirely true, actually none of the above is true, but LOL does describe this video I came across. And of course, at Krapsody I pass teh lulz on to you.

Courtesy: Waverly Films

Check 'em out, you won't be disappointed. I subscribed to their YouTube Channel months ago and they have regular insane video submissions that are quite hilarious. If you like their stuff subscribe to them, sign up for their feed, send them a billion dollars. What better cause to support in the bail-out plan?


Gorilla Bananas said...

Was this really made for children? The guy was making faces as if he wanted someone to molest him.

Ms Scarlet said...

I agree with Mr Bananas... The guy was asking for it...

Static said...

@Mr. Bananas - Yes, it was made for children.. and the world wonders why the children are so fucked up. Well this blog would be the reason why and the sole reason for why the children are so fucked up. Look at what it's done to the children of all species. Why for instance, you thought that guy wanted to get molested. You talk as if you have seen the look before and maybe considered it once or twice?

Static said...

@scarlet-blue - The guy was asking for a stabbing, or getting molested? You're starting to sound as fucked up as Mr. Bananas methinks. Look at what a horrible example Krapsody is. =P Ha ha rofl lulzuh *splat!

Static said...

@Pwn Greenland - lulz now I know you people find this guy titillating and all, but there will be no raeping apes here today. You're all like animals, all you have is sex on the brain. <--go ahead click it. I know you want to.

Static said...

Maybe this one's more suited for the moment

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