Don't Masturbate To This

Michele Bachmann crazy

Michele Bachmann is a favorite among social conservatives and supporters of the tea party movement which favors "low taxes" and "small government" - clever keywords which mean that if they hold the power you will still pay out the ass to BIG government and their corporate sponsorships.

The Minnesotan member of congress has her sights set on presidential ambitions - hoping to unify the Republican Party's disparate base and appeal to all of the party's far flung ideological stripes using "I'm one of those" and "I'm one of those" lines to sway voters in her direction without really saying anything. Transparent evidence to the party's obvious lack of acknowledgement for anyone other than bimbos (and other glittery inanimate objects) as possible candidates.

Really, there are plenty of smarter women with more experience out there who would be better candidates, and do the job well should they be elected without all the fluff and fundamentalist pandering while campaigning and occupying the White House. Like your mom. She kicks ass and takes names later. But where are they? I've got a pretty good idea they're probably too busy picking up after you slobs. Good job, Einstein - now you have a hand in screwing over our country too.

In my (sometimes viewed as worthless) opinion (because I am so one-dimensional appearing on the internet and all), both of America's major rivaling political parties are lacking in persons who are not worth their weight in pennies. And that is not going to bring any financial solvency to the table whatsoever.

With the number of unforgettable gaffes she's made, Bachmann also doesn't appear to know much about her own affairs, cultural issues, civil rights, the Constitution or American history. I'm not going to bother backing up those points with links to relevant evidence. You either get it or you don't. Maybe if Bachmann spent less time mentally masturbating she'd have a clearer purer perception of things. In the meantime, get off my planet.


BlackLOG said...
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BlackLOG said...

supporters of the tea party movement which favors "low taxes" and "small government" - clever keywords which mean that if they hold the power you will still pay out the ass to BIG government and their corporate sponsorships.
I must admit I’m edging towards “No taxes” and “no Government” because as far as I can see they just spend it on themselves and their mates...

So what do we do to replace the tax system, even I can see we need roads, hospitals, schools (Just to keep the young hoodlums off the streets, effectively a prison for the un-convicted ) etc..….I propose a whip round system with a name and shame policy for anyone who doesn’t contribute….Oh yeah and I get to cream 25% off the top because it was my idea (see power corrupts)…

My alternative solution is let each politician have 5 years in power and then spend the rest of their lives in prison (one with hard labour building roads, cleaning my car… )paying for their crimes…So I don’t make any money on this one but I would feel a lot better about being ripped off knowing they are going to have to pay for it

Sandy said...

You took the exact words out of head.

klahanie said...

Send her over to lil' ol' Britain. She'd fit right in over here. And, just for a bit of titillation, she could give all the dudes in the House of Lords, the best darn hand job they could possibly imagine. Hear, hear...

Static said...

@ BlackLOG: I agree with your second solution. Although it would be nice to live the high life, I'm getting by and I'd much rather see shit get done. Most politicians are greedy corrupt people who deserve no better punishment than to actually provide service for the greater good of the public. As long as we're at it, might as well dish out the same punishment for their corporate sponsors and those who have profited from bailouts.

Static said...

@ sandylee: Wow! The lurker finally posts a comment!! Thank you. But whose head did I take the words out of?

Static said...

@TehEvilPenguin So you think Bachmann is a milf?

Static said...

@ klahanie: So you want to join BlackLOG, sandylee, and Teh Evil Penguin in an ice cold JELL-O bathtub orgy?

Static said...

Man, you people are gross. why wasn't I invited?

Static said...

@ALollipopWorld: If she rolled off a cliff in a Segway scooter how do we know she wouldn't sprout bat wings and fly away? I'd prefer freezing her in liquid nitrogen and then smashing her cryogenically frozen body to bits with a sledgehammer...or pushing it over a cliff and watching with glee as it hits the floor of the cliff and shatters into thousands of pieces. Then and only then would I feel confident that she'd never return.

LilPixi said...

OMG, the bat wings. What a f'n riot.

You're right. I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking straight.

Static said...

@ALollipopWorld: If there's one thing I've learned - never underestimate evil. I'm surprised she hasn't been fatwahed yet.

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