The Evolution of Pharmaceuticals

As the health care reform debate reaches it's pinnacle of lunacy, I think it's high time to blow off some much needed focusing on the general public outcry for affordable medications and health care (and how they feel about it) whether the government is involved or not! Y'know, because the general public is sick and tired of getting ass-raped by pharmaceutical companies (one of the real evils in all of this)?

The Evolution of Pharmaceuticals

teh buttsecks circa 2000 bc 2000 B.C. - Here, eat this root.

teh buttsecks circa 1000 ad 1000 A.D. - That root is heathen. Here, say this prayer.

teh buttsecks circa 1850 ad 1850 A.D. - That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion.

teh buttsecks circa 1940 ad 1940 A.D. - That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.

teh buttsecks circa 1985 1985 A.D. - That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic.

teh buttsecks circa 2000 2000 A.D. - That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root.

futuristic buttsecks 2040 A.D. - That root is gone. Extinct. Nada. Here, shove this sand in your bio-port!

*note: This article was not endorsed or approved of by Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, Bayer, AstraZeneca, 3M Pharmaceuticals, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Biogen Idec, nor any other Big/Little/or Medium-sized Pharma company. But they sure like teh buttsecks!...this article also does not take into account that 2012 is the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar.


Aree Bettermenn said...

just stopping and say Hi

Static said...

@ Aree - Hi there, Aree. What's up? Don't tell me YOUR Google Alerts for "cheap pharmaceuticals" sent you here?

Skrib (aka MEaster Bunny) said...

Do they make male enhancement/hemorrhoidal drugs for all that buttsecksing?

Daddy Papersurfer said...

Love the note at the end ...... a high 'c' I think ......

Jesus the hobo said...

my bioport eagerly awaits another violation by any interested drug peddler(s) .

Gboo said...

The drug companies could at least have the common decency to buy us dinner first!!!

Static said...

@ Skrib - I don't rightly know, nor do I care to. I suppose if you're really interested, then you can do more research on the subject.

Static said...

@ Daddy P - Hey Daddy-O..err.."P"!
Frankly, I think that note was an "A". As in it was: An exceptional piece. In Addition to being A moving AND An equally informative Article...and much better than the "F" someone else gave it.

See, I could have entitled this "The History of Pharmaceuticals", but it just didn't have the same power or effect as "The Evolution of Pharmaceuticals" of teh buttsecks is all very scientific. Just ask Skrib.

Static said...

@ Hobo Jesus - Hola amigo. Let me give a word of advice. Seeings as you are certainly lonely and single, don't give up. Even though your worst enemy is a raccoon, a raccoon may be able to help you with your "hobo-sexual" request(s).

Static said...

@ Gboo - You and Jesus the hobo need to hook up, and have all the hot buttered corn you can handle.

soviet disco momma said...

I gave birth to a giant turd girth and named him

Doctor Handsome!!

kathcom said...

I was wondering who Aree was myself. Maybe all the buttsecks has made her pensive?

I probably would have figured out the mysterious "buttsecks" definition sooner if I'd read it aloud. But my high priced pharmaceuticals make it difficult for my mouth to form words.

Gorilla Bananas said...

Are you certain being arse-raped is bad for the health? It might be good for the prostate gland.

Static said...

@ Kathcom - Heyas Kath!
Aree? Pensive? About buttsecks? So you think she liked it, y'mean?
Umm..CREEPY. Yeah.

Buttsexcapades are vastly over-rated and I never understood the obsession with it.

Once with the IRS is enough. But people continue to let their bosses-they let their coworkers-they let Congress-they let Insurance companies do it to them..when do they stop being buttsluts AND why would they turn around and be buttsnorkelers after being violated like that?

Trouble forming words? You may be unwittingly taking medications that only support more buttsecks!

Static said...

@ Gorilla Bananas - Are you speaking from experience and you're a supporter then?

Feel free to elaborate..a little, but
please keep the graphic details to yourself.

projectjulio said...

jst stopping say hi visit me quid pro quo I'm not spam I am just friend google alerts told me now you tell me broken english is my favorites! Oh, and great post (as usual). MORE BUTSEX (anal sex) /BUTTSECTS (insects with GIANT butts)/BUTTSEKS (ANAL sex)/BUTSEXT(sexual text message involving the butt)

TT said...

What about the insurance companies. Aren't they the real evil here? All US insurance agencies, health, home, auto, life, etc. all scam their customers for their money, and when they need to file a claim they get the run around!

That's only the tip of the iceberg. All US health insurance agencies are FOR Profit here, but most health insurance agencies in Europe are NON Profit! If someone in Germany for example goes to see the doctor they don't get a bill, ever. And if their doctor isn't paid by their health insurance plan within three days, the insured's premium is free of charge the following month. Now why don't we have that in the US?!

Static said...

@Julio - Hello frnd pls to take ur spam and butseks and stik it where sun dont shine! lawl!!

Static said...

@T - Wut up girlfriend!
Interesting points...perhaps we (meaning all uninsured/under-insured Americans) should move to Europe, in 5...4...3...2...1...AND GO!!

John J Savo said...

I would venture to say that this is a very historically accurate time line.

Anonymous said...

So buttsecksing is a cure all?

Static said...

@ John - Sure, if you consider that the bible says the world is only approx. ten thousand years old, then this timeline with all probability is certainly accurate by all accounts.

Static said...

@ Thinkinfyou - No, never a cure. The buttsecks is a result of, and in many cases, the cause of all illness requiring prescription drug treatment and your eventual dependence upon pharmaceutical companies.

The Man-Cave said...

"MMMM! Pills are good. Yeah pills are good!!!!" Except if you have to pay for them and they are not a narcotic.

Static said...

@ Geoff - So Geoff, how long have you been attending Narcotics Anonymous? Remember, the first step is admitting you have a problem. The second step is admitting you have skin that looks like ostrich balls. Which means we already have A LOT in common! =D

Static said...

@ Rick - LOL! But it was pretty funny.

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