Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts

Stable Genius

Black Friday Surprise

'Murican Beauty

The Best Part of the 90s

Boss Hogg Desperately Seeking Sugar Baby

| Nov. 14, 2014

Recently Georgia State University ranked at the top of the list of 20 colleges with the highest number of sugar babies. For those unfamiliar with the practice, a sugar baby is a young person who provides companionship to an older sugar daddy (or mommy) in exchange for money and gifts. The babies and sugar daddies meet on dating sites that cater to gold-diggers and chicks with daddy issues looking for generous, but perverted older men who want young women.

Hazzard County big wig, Boss Hogg, is no exception. Sugar daddies, like Boss Hogg, know college babies have financial needs, including student loans and tuition to pay off. So when all other means of earning income are exhausted, becoming a sugar baby doesn't seem so bad for a 20-year-old girl trying to pay her way through college and have extra money for partying, spray tans and clothes. Sugar babies are desperate and willing to do anything for cash, and the sugar daddies are either married or single and desperate for companionship.

Waldo Did It

The evidence against Waldo is overwhelming. The sneaky little bastard.

Happy Easter or something like that

happy easter

They say if you look into it's eyes long enough you can see hell.

Drama Magnet

Just "LiLo" for a while, Lindsay. Please.

Herman Cain's Revised 999 Plan

herman cain 999 plan

If You Want To Occupy, Occupy This

Occupy Wall Street has been gaining momentum since it was conceptualized, spreading globally to places as far away as Antarctica. Many occupiers have taken to the internet to air their grievances, and social networks like Facebook have provided an accessible place for protesters to gather together and discuss news and other subjects related to their cause. So far there's been a large turnout. However, it hasn't stopped there. The movement to Occupy has made it to the stars, because only the stars are the limit.

Shat Happens at 20000 Feet

The top 5 rejected 'Nightmare at 20000 Feet' Twilight Zone clips starring William Shatner.

Rejected 'Nightmare at 20000 Feet' Twilight Zone promotional photos starring William Shatner (more follows...)

Trolling Mark Zuckerberg on Google +

I have to admit nothing has been more fun on Google + than trolling douchebag trolls like Mark Zuckerberg. Apparently, I got his attention with these two comments - and he appears to be thin-skinned because not long after I started bagging on him he blocked me.

I Can't Get No

Sometimes you can't....
Get Satisfaction FAIL (click pic to enlarge)

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Krapsody v. Casey Anthony

killing and partying it up: $$ lying and covering it up: $$$ getting away with murder: PRICELESS!


Weiner Means Winner in Warlock Speak

Come now, your wiener is not that big.

Thur. June 2, 2011

Weinerville, NY (Krapsody) - Rep. Anthony Weiner is in the hot seat this week over a sexually suggestive photo he allegedly sent to a 21-year old female student in Seattle who is one of his 54,000 followers on Twitter. Weiner has not stated that the crotch in the picture was somebody else’s. So whose could it be? There will be no juvenile dick jokes or double entendres here. Quite frankly, it was mine and here's proof.

The Ruptured


Oh, cheer up Harold. We all make mistakes. It's not the end of the world.

Further reading amusement: Harold Camping - "World will actually end in October"

In Honor of National Vegetarian Week


Leave It To Bieber

justin bieber / bieber fever / leave it to bieber

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Winter Sucks Snowballs

winter sucks

Bazillionth major snow storm this winter even makes Punxsutawney Phil frustrated.


LOL sorry

Because getting stabbed with a giant double dildo in the chest is no laughing matter.

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