Fuck It... it's my new philosophy now too.
Fuck It... My New Philosophy
—tags: comedy, funny, funny video clips, furry critters, humor, jokes, satire, silly, spoofs, stand up
How Much is Your Website Worth?
According to http://dnscoop.com/ you can get a quick assessment of your site's worth.
"The estimated value of KRAPSODY is $1"
HA HA HA!!!!! Oh wow I can retire early folks!
I highly doubt anyone would pay that much, but it sure is interesting... if your idea of interesting is spooning with fat hairy bald men in a tub full of chocolate pudding (not that I've ever done that before). How much is yours worth?
—tags: comedy, commentary, funny, funny commentary, funny faces, funny pictures, funny websites, humor, jokes, satire, silly, spoofs, stupid, sucks
Don't Look: Massive Shart in Progress
After Sarah Silverman's funny video "I'm F@ckin' Matt Damon" debuted on the Jimmy Kimmel Show a few weeks ago, it just adds a whole new twist on the late night show stand offs between Conan O'Brien, John Stewart and Stephen Colbert, Silverman's escapade of course prompted Jimmy Kimmel to strike back with his own response. If you haven't seen these then I have posted them here for your "viewing pleasure" (no pun intended).
This clip started the whole thing on the Jimmy Kimmel Show
And now another late night tv moment to be remembered.
Jimmy Kimmel is F@cking Ben Affleck Response to Matt & Sarah
All I can say is... sheesh. Pretty funny I guess, the Josh Groban spot and the list of stars involved in Kimmel's was golden, I can't even imagine Groban saying the word "f@ck". Doesn't it seems like these late night talk show hosts are really grasping for ideas? I dunno. Coincidentally, since everyone seems like they are sharing, I'm f@cking Marty Feldman.
—tags: comedy, commentary, funny, funny commentary, funny video clips, humor, jokes, satire, silly, spoofs, stupid, sucks
2008 Election Results Accidentally Leaked Ahead of Schedule
Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 2008 Election Early
"We at Diebold would like to formally apologise to all our Shadowy Puppet Masters. This will never happen again. Please have mercy on us." - Ernie Kenelworth Director of Public Relations, Diebold Inc.
Why, I appreciate the apology, as I know you were speaking to me personally. I am the Shadowy Sock Puppet Master which you speak of. However, you did say way too much. I will ask that you clean out your desk and make a hasty exit for the Mexican Border as you will be living your life forever on the run now, you detrimental tickle-brained sheep-biter.
—tags: comedy, commentary, funny, funny commentary, funny news, Funny newscast, funny video clips, funny websites, humor, satire, silly, spoofs, stupid
Bowling With Jesus
Today I came across a new group discussion by pointlessbanter at blogcatalog.com about the amount of religious fervor on the site and the web as a whole, this one was aptly titled Jesus Christ.
Which was followed this afternoon by The Removal of Religious Topics from BlogCatalog Discussions posted by NINE. Damn censorship! That's a shame as there were some good points raised so far. But who needs all the hostility?
That's hot. I didn't know Jesus even liked bowling...
I still think religious fundamentalism/fanaticism is a mental disorder. Just look at George W. Bush, Osama Bin Laden or Tom Cruise.
Search Results 1 - 10 of about 48,200,000 for religion V. Search Results 1 - 10 of about 49,100,000 for humor on Google groups? I think that says people are looking for laughs more than they are spiritual enlightenment. Aren't the two kind of intertwined?
Who knows, maybe the path to enlightenment are laughs? I don't see how being so uptight or narrow-minded about a belief system is going to make things any better in the world. Nor is censorship in the name of "being afraid of offending anyone". It just influences people to think they are better than others.
On that note: People looking for the ultimate truth on Google groups are a bunch of poopy farty pants.
—tags: comedy, commentary, flying spaghetti monster, funny, funny commentary, funny pictures, humor, satire, silly, stupid