So What If It's An Empty Chair, It's Therapy

Eastwood mad as hell
Eastwood is justifiably angry.
Because he's old.

After Clint Eastwood's appearance at the RNC to support Mitt Romney, his empty chair routine thrilled delegates but lost the rest of us. This peculiar performance has had critics doing cartwheels. I'm not quite sure why this was so shocking or funny to some people. It's not like we haven't, or won't experience at some point the effects of aging on those near and dear to ourselves. Here is my reasoning behind Eastwood's behavior in a piece I'd like to call "Empty Chair, Empty Minds, Empty Hearts".

Next Time Just Shoot Yourself

the dark knight rises

Drama Magnet

Just "LiLo" for a while, Lindsay. Please.

I Understand, You Need Time To Move On

cher auto-tune lols

Gilligan Does It Again

It's a redneck's wet dream y'all! DERP!!


The guy giving hand signals must have shit himself somethin' fierce. I can just imagine the driver and the Hand Signal Guy giving each other looks while they are airborne...

Driver: "What do I do, Haws?"

Hand Signal Guy: "Bail, goddammit!"

If the Hand Signal Guy had just worn a sockpuppet on his hand then this accident might have been prevented... (Read more >>>>>)

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