Drain Bamage, Rocky, Drain Bamage
—tags: Celebs, Facebook, Institutions of Jocularity, Lulzercaust Campaign, Obscure Moments in Pop Culture History, Occupy Uranus, satire
—tags: Donald Trump, Even I can't make this shit up, Facebook, Institutions of Jocularity, Lulzercaust Campaign, Obscure Moments in Pop Culture History, Occupy Uranus, politics, quotes, Racism, The IRS
'Murican Beauty
—tags: Don't Masturbate To This, Facebook, funny pictures, humor, internet, Lulzercaust Campaign, memes, Photochops
What up with Sarah Palin's "Shuck n' Jive" comment?
Just days prior to Obama's reelection, Ms. Palin made a statement on her Facebook page with some offhand remark about Obama and her opinions about his handling of the Benghazi attack, referring to his administration's response as a "Shuck and Jive shtick." Her opponents have been wondering what she meant by that comment. Was her statement racist, or was it taken out of context? Krapsody tracked her down to find out.
Palin, down wit de jive. |
"'Sup, dudes! Mah' dojigger be Sarah Palin and I'm waaay down wid de JIVE rap, suckas. Duzn't assume dat plum a'cuz ah' used some phrase about Obama usin' 'SHUCK N' JIVE' means ah' am some kinda racist or sumtin'."
—tags: Celebs, Even I can't make this shit up, Facebook, Lulzercaust Campaign, news, Obama 44th president, parodies, quotes, Racism, satire
If You Want To Occupy, Occupy This
Occupy Wall Street has been gaining momentum since it was conceptualized, spreading globally to places as far away as Antarctica. Many occupiers have taken to the internet to air their grievances, and social networks like Facebook have provided an accessible place for protesters to gather together and discuss news and other subjects related to their cause. So far there's been a large turnout. However, it hasn't stopped there. The movement to Occupy has made it to the stars, because only the stars are the limit.
—tags: Facebook, God and Win, Institutions of Jocularity, internet, Lulzercaust Campaign, Obscure Moments in Pop Culture History, Occupy Uranus, parodies, satire, Sphincterology
Shat Happens at 20000 Feet
The top 5 rejected 'Nightmare at 20000 Feet' Twilight Zone clips starring William Shatner.
Rejected 'Nightmare at 20000 Feet' Twilight Zone promotional photos starring William Shatner (more follows...)
—tags: Celebs, Facebook, humor, internet, Lulzercaust Campaign, Mark Zuckerberg, memes, Obscure Moments in Pop Culture History, parodies, spoofs, William Shatner
Trolling Mark Zuckerberg on Google +
—tags: Celebs, Facebook, Institutions of Jocularity, internet, Lulzercaust Campaign, Mark Zuckerberg, Obscure Moments in Pop Culture History, satire, silly