"Tonight the city is full of morgues, and all the toilets are overflowing. There's shopping malls coming out of the walls, as we walk out among the manure. That's why I pay no mind." - Beck Hansen
When I go grocery shopping I often get the urge to do my shopping as quickly as possible. Really come to think of it, anytime I do any kind of shopping I want to get it done as quickly as possible. As far as all things shopping go, I usually end up going back for things I've forgotten regardless if I had made a list or not. But I usually make lists. It cuts the time spent wandering around aimlessly. And never EVER go shopping hungry.
Speaking of aimless, just like avoiding shopping when you are hungry, make sure you never ever go shopping naked. You will buy everything in the store.
There are things I tried to resist the last time I was at the grocery store, such as some seriously grub cookies that got the chocolatey goodness my stummy desires or a nice big juicy steak, which I don't eat much red meat, so it's a treat for me. No, I'm not a vegetarian and I don't have anything against vegans either, I just try to eat a relatively healthy diet and stay in shape so when I get old I can still kick your ass. That means protein without all the lard.
So seeings as I do my own shopping, I just want to get the dreaded deed done quickly and efficiently. Which will leave me more time for f***ing off.
That's why I think they should have grindcore or some serious death metal cranking in the store instead of those lame muzak or radio stations.
How fast would you get your shopping done if that were the case? Why it might even boost sales! There's something the media and retailers could be happy about. Well, I think my idea is the solution, folks.
People might be more into shopping (well, more often then they normally would be, especially the men shopping with their wives or girlfriends.) Death
People would go nuts over hardcore shopping frenzies. They would be moshing in the aisles. Starting food fights and whatever else deviants can manage to do in public settings.
What do you think? Good idea, bad idea? What are the pros and cons. I want deeply reflective answers here guys. Leave me your comments.
And now time for some Knee Deep - F**kin' Deathcore!
Note: it wasn't until Cookie Monster in his band Cannibal Cookies
that the death metal genre found their trademark vocal style
Well, I was going to go running with scissors outside while flying a kite at night near a power plant, but all this talk about food is making me hungry. Gotta go do some hardcore shopping.
nom nom nom nirvana!